Halloween Specials Wiki

This is the fourth Halloween episode of Fraggle Rock.


Ma and Pa Gorg leave Junior alone in the castle overnight for the first time. While they are gone, Junior has to protect the crown jewel. Gobo thinks that all the Gorgs have left, so he plans to map the castle with a frightened Wembley tagging along. Red Fraggle, Mokey Fraggle, and Boober Fraggle decide to pull a prank to scare Gobo and Wembley by making ghostly sounds after which they too enter the castle. Meanwhile, Doc builds a fake ghost detector just to make Sprocket feel safe. However, due to a short circuit, the contraption's alarm is activated scaring Sprocket even more.


This episode refers to events that occurred in the second season episode "Sir Hubris and the Gorgs". In that episode, Gobo discovered a new passage into the Gorg's castle.

International Versions[]

UK Version: P.K. and Sprocket read a scary book and P.K. decides that he and Sprocket should go explore a nearby castle, at night.


  • "Big Boy Now"