"A Hare-Raising Halloween" is a Halloween episode of the Disney Junior animated series Alice's Wonderland Bakery, aired on September 30, 2023.
Fergie overcomes his fear of Halloween at the Palace's holiday celebration.
- There is a book based on this episode.
- This episode aired a month before Halloween.
- The characters' Halloween costumes throughout the episode include:
- Alice as a flower
- Hattie as Alice
- Rosa as a Bread-and-Butterfly.
- Fergie in his Card Guard costume.
- The Queen of Hearts as a jack o'lantern.
- Cheshire Cat as a dog.
- Dinah wears a flower crown similar to the one the original Alice made and put on the original Dinah.
- An instrumental version of the popular Halloween song "Monster Mash" is heard at the end of the episode.