"Boo!" is a Halloween-themed episode of the PBS Kids animated developed-for-television show Clifford the Big Red Dog, notably produced as the first segment of it's first season, though aired as the second segment of the eleventh episode, being paired up with "Come Back, Mac".
It's Halloween on Birdwell Island, and everybody is dressed up, excited to watch the movie that night. Jetta says nothing scares her and Mac, but when Clifford investigates the big white screen, Clifford gets tangled up in the white sheet, running around like a ghost. Soon, everyone hears spooky noises, and gets scared. Is there really a Ghost Dog of Birdwell Island?
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
John Ritter | Clifford |
Grey DeLisle | Emily Elizabeth Mrs. Howard |
Kel Mitchell | T-Bone |
Cree Summer | Cleo Mrs. Diller |
Cam Clarke | Mr. Howard Mac |
Kath Soucie | Jetta |
Gary LeRoi Gray | Charley |
Tony Plana | Victor and Pedro |
Earl Boen | Horace Bleakman |
Edie McClurg | Violet Bleakman |