"Catatonic" is the Halloween special episode of the Nickelodeon animated series The Mighty B!, aired as the sixth episode of its second season (though it is actually the season's first episode in production order).
When a disappointed Bessie has to dress up as a cat instead of a pirate for Halloween, Ben, dressed up as "Benbo" (a parody of Rambo), accidentally knocks her silly with a plunger, which he shot like an arrow with a bow, makes her think she's a real cat. Meanwhile, Happy can't seem to get rid of his history with cats to not chase Bessie.
Voice actor/actress | Character |
Amy Poehler | Bessie Higgenbottom |
Dee Bradley Baker | Happy Higgenbottom |
Megan Cavanagh | Hilary |
Andy Richter | Benjamin Higgenbottom |