The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is an American broadcast television network. The non-profit public broadcaster has 354 member television stations which hold collective ownership. The network's headquarters are located in Arlington, Virginia.
Categorized here are Halloween specials, episodes, and movies that first aired on PBS.
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All items (57)
- Halloween (Thomas and Friends)
- The Halloween Bandit
- A Halloween Boo Fest
- Halloween Hound: The Legend of Creepy Collars
- The Halloween Howl
- The Halloween Problem
- Happy Halloween (Franny's Feet)
- Haunted Roundhouse
- The Haunting of Barney Palmer
- Henry's Halloween
- Hic or Treat
- The House That Drac Built/Big Pumpkin/The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything/Halloween Howls: Riddles That Are a Scream