Halloween Specials Wiki
Halloween Specials Wiki

Charlie is a character from the TV series, Nico. He is a Japanese-American boy who has an affinity for small animals. He often cares for and carries around a different bug or rodent every episode, only for it to desert him near the end typically after the creature meets either Tom or Boris.

About Charlie[]

Charlie and his friends are in the backyard of Nico's house waiting for Hertha and Bertha to arrive so they all can go trick-or-treating together. When he finds a female firefly that's about to be caught and eaten by Boris, Charlie manages to take her out of reach in time and saves her. Once the twins arrive, everyone goes trick-or-treating. After they come across Oscar and Flappy, Charlie and the twins decide to continue trick-or-treating while Nico, Patty, Aisha, and Tom decide to have a look inside Mr. Caifas's mansion. One house they go to is owned by a man who breathes a flame from his mouth from a piece of hot candy. Next, they haven't been having much success in collecting Halloween candy as Charlie exits a building, telling the girls how embarrassing it is they didn't get much candy. He and Hertha have a laugh at Bertha when Lucy inadvertently urinates on her. At another house, when someone comes to meet them at the front door, it turns out to be a live skeleton who terrifies Charlie and the girls so much they flee while scream as they got more than what they were expecting. At Patty's house, Charlie greets Patty's mom with a "Happy Halloween!" and she faints at the sight of him in his costume, thinking he's a large, live, talking cockroach, but he says he's a beetle. Following trying once more, Charlie and the sisters are at a park. They still fail to get more candy as by now it's almost midnight. Charlie presumes they had more candy than he thought, but turns out they didn't. Then, Bertha has an idea and asks Charlie if his costume is big enough. Soon, it's revealed that Charlie's costume is used as a sack to contain a lot of candy carried by Hertha and Bertha as they, and Charlie, who is now dressed as a candy cane, exit a bakery. Although Charlie is unsure about how he looks in his new costume, the twins assure him they think he looks scrumptious. Charlie looks at his reflection in the bakery's window and changes his mind, agreeing. Charlie and the twins meet their friends at a cemetery where they all reunite.

Appearances in Halloween Specials[]
