"Flour Power" is an Halloween-themed episode of Thomas & Friends, produced as the eleventh story of its ninth season, though it aired as the twenty-sixth and final story of that season.
On Halloween night, Thomas is alone at the sheds when The Fat Controller assigns him to collect the flour from the mill and take it to the bakery, because Sodor needed its morning toast and Lady Hatt and him need their crumpets. He also tells Thomas that he must work with Diesel which makes Thomas upset.
Thomas arrives at the docks where he is supposed to meet Diesel, but he is not there. He does not know that Diesel is sneaking behind him and gives Thomas a fright by biffing some oil tankers out of the way. Diesel teases Thomas for being a scaredy engine and they set off for the flour mill. When they pass the woods, Diesel says it is the haunted forest and calls out to Thomas in a spooky voice. Thomas crossly tells Diesel to stop it. When they arrive at the abandoned mines, they hear a banging noise and Diesel teases Thomas that it is a ghost engine looking for a steam engine to scare. Thomas says he is not scared, but secretly he is. When Thomas and Diesel stop at a signal, Thomas hears a strange cry and feels something touch his coal bunker which was a tree, but he does not know. Diesel cries out to Thomas that it is the ghost engine after his funnel. Thomas is so scared he peeps frightfully and Diesel calls Thomas a scaredy engine twice. Thomas is so cross with Diesel that he wants to find a way to pay him back.
When they arrive at the flour mill and Diesel goes ahead of Thomas, Thomas has an idea to show Diesel who is the scaredy engine by biffing the trucks out of the way and gets covered in white flour looking like a ghost engine. Diesel is so frightened he runs out of the flour mill before he can hear that it is only Thomas. Thomas buffers up to the flour trucks and sets off for the bakery. While heading for the bakery, Thomas realises the thing Diesel said that was used to scare him is just a tree that touched him, the strange cry was an owl, the banging at the abandoned mine was just a door and that the forest he passed earlier was Henry's Forest.
Diesel is with The Fat Controller at the bakery when Thomas arrives and Diesel gets scared again and tells The Fat Controller that the ghost engine has come to get him, but The Fat Controller says it is only Thomas. The Fat Controller praises Thomas for his hard work and rewards him a special washdown. Thomas is looking forward to telling his friends everything that has happened.
- A deleted scene indicated that Sir Topham Hatt was originally going to dress up as Satan. The original small-scale version of this figure is now owned by ThomasTankMerch.