"Halloweenie" is the Halloween episode of the Nickelodeon original series The Adventures of Pete & Pete, aired as the seventh episode in the show's second season.
Little Pete decides to enter the annals of history by breaking the record for most houses visited on Halloween and tries to enlist the help of Big Pete. Big Pete is torn between his loyalty to his brother and the coming of age and abandonment of the childhood ritual of trick-or-treating. He must decide whether to face the ridicule of his peers and go trick-or-treating or to join the notorious "Pumpkin Eaters", a group of vandals who terrorize neighborhood "Halloweenies."
Actor | Character |
Michael C. Maronna | Big Pete Wrigley |
Danny Tamberelli | Little Pete Wrigley |
Judy Grafe | Joyce Wrigley |
Hardy Rawls | Don Wrigley |
Alison Fanelli | Ellen Hickel |
Michelle Trachtenberg | Nona Mecklenberg |
Iggy Pop | James Mecklenberg |
Rick Gomez | Endless Mike |
James Lally | Frank the crossing guard |
Sam Riegel | Pumpkin Head |
Larc Spies | Ned Richmond |
J.D. Walters | Pumpkin Head |
Michael Sash | The Lizard Boy (uncredited) |