Halloween Specials Wiki

Happy Noob-o-ween is the Halloween episode of Supernoobs.


The episode starts with the Noobs dressed up in Halloween costumes, ready for the celebration. Mem and Zen ask the Noobs about what Halloween is. The Noobs explain that it is a time to have fun and go `trick or treating'. While Mem and Zen puzzle over this, the Noobs arrive at a horror house.

As the Noobs are eleven, they are not allowed in as the sign says `FOR THE UNDEAD AND AGES TWELVE AND OVER'. The Noobs fake their age and tell the guard that they are twelve but Roach, having not understood what is going on, clearly states that he is eleven. The Noobs try and try again but Roach still confirms that he is eleven.

Meanwhile, Mem and Zen go trick or treating by threatening people. The innocent citizens end up giving not just candy, but their prized possessions such as televisions and radios.
