Josie Nova is a character from the sci-fi/action/adventure/comedy, animated series, Space Nova. She is the wife of Hugo Nova and the mother of Adelaide and Jet Nova. She and her family are space explorers.
Appearances in Halloween Specials[]
In "Ghost Station", Josie tells her family a Halloween story about a space crew who stay for the night in a space station. When the crew members go missing one-by-one, it turns out the space station is possibly haunted. In honor of Halloween, as it's her favorite holiday, she arranged for her family and herself to take a tour of a space station in a stormy nebula. She's especially looking forward to the complimentary juice. Using their space ship's computer, Eureka, they contact a tour guide named Yul Goldman to let him know they're on their way, but he tells them about his fellow tour guides having gone missing before the signal of him is lost. As they fly there, the ship suddenly has a turbulence and the others think Josie has something to do with it, but she denies it. They continue to their destination.
Once they get there, Josie and Hugo have a look around the station while Jet and Adelaide race through the hallway. Soon, the latter two return to their parents to inform them that something eerie has just happened. Yul got sucked up by a rip in the ceiling, seemingly sending him to another dimension. When they search another room, it turns out they find Yul hiding in a compartment. Josie thinks she knows the cause of the rips and why the other tour guides were sucked away by them. The rips open because of the stars separating from one another, which causes black hole, worm hole, or vortex-like effects. A rip opens in the room where they are and most everybody grabs on to something before they can be sucked up, but this frightens G9 so much he flees, Adelaide goes after him, and the others go after them. Not long after, the others find G9 clinging to a bed bunk ladder in another room as Adelaide clings onto him, trying to avoid getting sucked up by another rip. Jet tells his mom they have to help them, but she says that's a no-can-do, unless he has a magnetic device on his arm of which she isn't aware. When Hugo's own magnetic device fails, he, Adelaide, and G9 get drawn into the rip without Josie and Jet.
Josie comes up with a plan to bring them back. She explains to Jet that she'll just use a laser and fire it in order to bring the stars back together in order for the rips to open again and compares that to poking a fire with a stick. While she's doing that, Jet tries to figure out what wrench to use for a triangular part in the ship. At one point, she gives Eureka a command. When Eureka mentions that the command is misunderstood, Josie says in simpler terms to get them out of here when the ship is brought too close to the suns, which must also be aligned. When a rip opens in the cockpit, a pipe with some inscription on it is dropped from it. Sent by Hugo and Adelaide, the inscription reads that he used the wrong wrench. Another pipe drops from it and the second one reads that they've found a way to get back to them themselves. Hugo and Adelaide enter the rip, climbing down a rope attached to the interior of G9's frontal compartment. Yul and two, other tour guides, River and Jenny, follow. The whole family is reunited and Josie, and Jet, meet River, and Jenny. More rips appear, getting out of hand, and everyone makes a mad escape from the station before it self-destructs.
The three tour guides are safely returned and they wave goodbye to the Novas before the ship flies away. Josie is disappointed about not getting the complimentary juice. But despite that, something good did still come out of this that made it worth while: They solved the mystery of what has been going on at the space station, so it wasn't a total loss.