Halloween Specials Wiki

Mrs. Markham is a character from the CBS Storybreak episode, "Witch-Cat". She is the wise wife of Mr. Markham and mother of Gwen, Jason, and Deedee Markham.


In "Witch-Cat", after Gwen meets Rosetta and takes her home, she asks her parents if she may keep her. Mrs. Markham begins to answer, but Mr. Markham says not if someone else is the cat's owner. Gwen checks the back of Rosetta's collar to see if there's any address on it, but there doesn't seem to be. Since there isn't, her parents let her keep her. Gwen's younger siblings, Jason and Deedee come to see Rosetta, but the family's pet Scottish terrier, Dinki, isn't as welcoming. Mr. Markham wonders what's with Dinki and Mrs. Markham says he's usually so friendly, as this is unlike him.

Later, Mrs. Markham goes out just as Gwen's babysitter, Susannah, arrives to babysit Gwen and her friends. She tells her she'll be back at six in the evening. Another evening, when Rosetta goes missing, Gwen tells her mom she can't find her and asks if she's seen her. Her mom says no, but then says she's sure she'll return. On Halloween night, Mrs. Markham meets some trick-or-treaters at the door, giving away the treats.

The next day, Gwen tells her parents all about the strange events that have been occurring for the last few days and nights. After returning home from the library, she shows her parents an encyclopedia article with a picture of a cat that looks like Rosetta. Gwen believes and concludes that she must not be an ordinary cat, due to her having enchanted powers and that, she in turn, must be a witch. Gwen tests out her magical abilities by having some dishes wash by themselves, but she accidentally makes them drop on the floor, shattering them. Gwen is unhappy about being a witch, as witches have a reputation for being evil and ugly. But her mom tells her not to be so afraid of her magical powers, as they make her special and is considered a blessing. Mrs. Markham says that as long as Gwen uses her powers wisely and for good, she has nothing to worry about at all. Gwen considers taking her mom's advice, but says she needs time to think about it.
