Halloween Specials Wiki
Halloween Specials Wiki

Party Supremacy is a Halloween-themed episode segment of the Christian-oriented, animated series, Whirl.


Gabe and Ruby each claim to have been put in charge of their church Halloween party, but they can't settle on who the person in charge really is and the party is a dud.


A Halloween party is being held at the First Second Church and Gabe announces to the party guests that Pastor Donna had put him in charge of running things. But Ruby tells him that Pastor Pete put her in charge. When Leo asks Ruby of what, she states the party, games, and making sure the younger kids are safe. Mimi is responsible for the Pin-The-Tail-On-The-Black-Cat game, Burt's duty is the Ring Toss game, and Leo's obligation is the Bobbing For Apples game. Ruby tells Mimi to use masking tape instead of a pin as that can be hazardous for the littler kids. Mimi tries to tell her that's not as good, but Ruby continues on her way and leaves Mimi up to that. Gabe tells Burt to change the set-up required for the Halloween Ring Toss game as the way its designed can also be hazardous and that it would be better if the rings were hung directly on the pumpkins' stems instead. When Leo fills a pool with water, Ruby tells him that the water level is too high. Leo says the water is only three feet deep and if the water level were lowered, the apples won't float. But she insists that he put less water in there. Then, Gabe tells Leo to raise the water level so that the little kids don't hurt themselves when they dive in it. Roxie then comes over to see just how the party is going. Ruby tells her that just because she's in high school, she doesn't get to boss them around. Gabe shows her proof that he was left in charge. Roxie tells him that it reads that God is in charge, but Gabe assures her that's clearly a typo. Otto, Ada, and Tot leave because they find it boring, as Otto says. Ruby commands them to stay, but Tot simply says, "boring". Roxie tells them that the party is lame. When they deny it, she says to look around for themselves. Clara tries pinning the tail on a paper black cat, but the tail keeps falling to the floor, Monty cheers when he puts the ring directly on the stem of one of the pumpkins in the now renamed Harvest Ring Hang area while Burt congratulates him, and Leo quit, and left behind a sign near the pool that reads, "Closed: Due to confusion". Ruby admits Roxie's right, it is a lame party after all. Roxie tells Gabe and Ruby that they really should only do what they do to serve God to make him happy rather than do it for themselves. Gabe and Ruby come to the realization once they've been informed.
