"Scarecrow" is the first Halloween episode of the Nickelodeon animated series It's Pony. It and its partner episode, "Poneapples", premiered on October 23, 2020, as the thirteenth episode of the show's first season (though it is actually the season's twelfth episode in production order).
This page about a Halloween special or an episode from a television series with a Halloween theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Halloween Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
It's Halloween and Annie and Pony have to save the family’s pumpkin crop from hungry crows.
Character costumes[]
- Annie Bramley: Pony
- Pony: Annie
- Heston: A vampire
- Brian Mulrooney: A ghost
- Clara Bornstein: A magician
Voice actor | Character(s) |
Jessica DiCicco | Annie Bramley |
Josh Zuckerman | Pony |
Abraham Benrubi | George Bramley |
India de Beaufort | Helen Bramley |
Mark Feuerstein | Mr. Pancks |
Josh Keaton | Heston |
Bobby Moynihan | Brian Mulrooney |
Taylor Polidore | Clara Bornstein |