"Spooky Costume Party with Blue" is the Halloween episode of Blue's Clues and You!, Nickelodeon's developed-for-preschool-television hybrid series based on the network's original Blue's Clues series. It first debuted on the Nick Jr. Fantastic Fall DVD on September 22, 2020.
It's a spooky Halloween at the Blue's Clues house. Blue is dressed up as a fish, but Magenta can't decide what costume to wear so Josh plays a game of Blue's Clues to figure it out.
- Little Prints
- Whiskers
- Incorrect Answer - A Cat that squeaks
- Answer - A Mouse Costume
External links[]
- "Spooky Costume Party with Blue" at the Internet Movie Database
- Blue's Clues Wiki: Spooky Costume Party with Blue
See also[]
- Blue's Clues: "What Is Blue Afraid Of?"
- Blue's Clues: "Blue's Big Costume Party"
- "The Ghost of the Living Room"