Halloween Specials Wiki

"Spooky Pumpkin Moon Night" is a Halloween-themed episode of Little Charmers.


On Spooky Pumpkin Moon Night, Hazel and the Charmers go to the pumpkin patch to find the best pumpkins to win the contest.


Mrs. Charming tries to bake without magic, which is forbidden to use on Pumpkin Moon Night, and instead, she burns her pies. After failing to collect as much candy as Parsely, who stole extra candy by growing a second head he pretends is his friend, Hazel tries to beat him to choosing the biggest pumpkin. When Parsley wins that race too, Hazel breaks the taboo by enchanting her pumpkin with magic. It not only grows larger than expected, but gains arms and sentience. It befriends the plant-loving Posie, and is able to out-smart her in a game of tic tac toe. Its happy dancing and joyous laughter at experiencing the wonders of life is quickly doused by the Charmers force-feeding it butter, cinnamon, cloves, eggs, flour, milk, nutmeg and sugar until it dies. It explodes into slices of pumpkin pie. Too disgusted to consume it themselves, they feed the baked corpse of their murdered Jack-O-Lantern friend to their unaware family and friends, without informing them beforehand about the fate of victim they were eating. It turns out Parsley won the pumpkin race by enchanting his broom.


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