Halloween Specials Wiki
The Ghost Story episode title card pic

The Ghost Story is a Halloween-themed episode of the Spanish, edutainment, adventure, comedy, fantasy, family, children's animated television series, Nico (known as Nicolas in certain Spanish countries). In Spain, it was known under its original title, "Se pusieron de pie" ("They Stood Up"). It aired on March 23, 2002 on Spain's Television Espana.


On Halloween night, a guy is riding a moped scooter in a street when he loses control and wipes out, falling off his ride, and sliding into the road. Somebody approaches him and sticks out his hand to help him get back on his feet. The rider thanks him for it when the good Samaritan is revealed what seems to be the Headless Horseman. The rider is frightened at the sight of the good Samaritan's missing head. Then, some kids dressed in various Halloween costumes run up to the rider, surrounding him and attempting to make scary faces at him. It works well enough as it scares him out of his wits so much, he flees. Meanwhile, Charlie, who is dressed as a beetle, comments on how he loves Halloween. Patty, who is dressed as a praying mantis, chases after and pretends to eat Aisha, who is dressed as a butterfly. Aisha warns Patty not to eat her as she's poisonous. Patty compliments on Nico dressing up as William Tell being a great idea. Nico says that with so many ghosts around, carrying a crossbow comes in handy. Nico's guide dog, Tom, tells the chameleon, Boris, about how Nico and his friends are going to spend part of the night trick-or-treating, going door-to-door, and looking for ghosts. But Boris isn't that crazy about the idea as he'd rather stay behind at home to have his food delivered. Then, he spots a female firefly. Boris tries to catch her with his tongue, but misses as Charlie grabs her before he can get to her. Charlie tells the firefly how dangerous it is and carries her off to safety. Nico's mom, Sarah, opens the back door of the family's house, and tells Nico, and the others, that the twin sisters, Hertha and Bertha, have arrived. Bertha, who is dressed as an Olympic trophy, tells the others to get a move on with the trick-or-treating. Hertha, who is dressed as a set of three steps seen at Olympic ceremonies, assures that they'll get a lot of candy. As everyone goes off, Sarah tells them not to cause any mischief before closing the door and she tickles Nico's baby sister, Tabitha, who is dressed as a court jester, giggles and her mom carries her away. The firefly flies towards the kids and above them as Boris, who is on Tom's head, tells him which direction to go. But Tom tells him he thought he was the guide dog. As everyone continues, they come across the bully, Oscar, who is dressed as a blind man, and his sidekick, Flappy, who is dressed as a general. Oscar says that Halloween is for babies and makes fun of Nico, telling him that since it's Halloween, he should be dressed as a monster, and that's why he's dressed as a blind man. Nico retorts that Oscar can be dressed as anything he wants, but he'll always be a monster. Patty and Aisha are amused by this. When Flappy trips and falls, the girls are amused by this as well. Flappy complains to them not to laugh at him since he's a general, but Aisha moves him aside, telling him not to flip out, Patty defends Nico by telling Oscar he's the monster and that when she, and the others go to the cemetery later, she warns him not to be there. Oscar and Flappy have other plans, as they plan to break into Mr. Caifas's house instead, as Flappy mentions. Upon realizing that, Flappy says his dad says that one should never break into anyone's house unless one was invited. Oscar then pulls Flappy along with him. Patty and Aisha then decide to do the same thing, the latter asking Nico if he's curious to see what's inside Mr. Caifas's home. Charlie, Hertha, and Bertha decide to stick to trick-or-treating, and everybody agrees to meet up with one another at the cemetery at midnight. Boris jumps off Tom's head, deciding to pursue the firefly instead and telling him he can't miss the free food. Tom comments on how much it's like Boris to desert him.

There's a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder as Oscar, and Flappy, begin to enter Mr. Caifas's house. They're in front of two walls with space between them. Flappy tells Oscar it'd be more polite to ring the doorbell while the latter gets on top of a wall. Flappy finds a hole at the bottom of a wall as he tells Oscar, who loses his balance and falls on the other side with a hard landing. Oscar attempts to hit Flappy upside the head for not being informed sooner, but misses as Flappy cowers before telling him to come on as they continue towards the house. While trick-or-treating, Charlie, Hertha, and Bertha meet a man who eats a hot candy as he spits out a flame. The man comments on the candy before going back inside his house. While leaving, Hertha comments on him being strange, Bertha thinks he must have heartburn. Boris comments on the candy he ate being spicy. Oscar and Flappy find the backdoor, and Oscar tells him they should enter through there. But Flappy tells him they can't just rush into getting in there, they have to be careful as there are traps set up, but sure enough, Flappy happens to step into one, getting closed up in a cage as a rope pulls it upwards towards a tree. He uses the analogy of him being trapped like a bird in a birdcage. Oscar goes inside without him. As Oscar touches the door knob, a compartment in a top panel of the door opens and a boxing glove with a spring attached stretches and attempts to punch him. It misses as Oscar is oblivious to that due to him bending and ducking. He says he can't see anything with the sunglasses and removes them before tripping, and falling, into the house. As he picks up an aroma, he says that it smells like something strange as he enters the kitchen. Then, states that knowing Mr. Caifas, it must be something disgusting. There's lightning in the kitchen, smoke, and a puff of smoke shaped like a monster comes out of the spout of a tea kettle that's heating on a stove, and attempts to bite Oscar, but misses as he walks away. Flappy tries to use his mental powers to escape the cage as he says that's what he'll do. Nico, Patty, Aisha, and Tom come to Mr. Caifas's house as pointed out by Patty. Concerned for Oscar and Flappy, she says she hopes they're alright and that just looking at the house is scary. Suddenly, they hear a voice as Nico tells the others he hears. He and the others look up to see the cage that's suspended in the air and Aisha says it's a big, ugly bird. Patty says it's Flappy who hears her. After snoring and waking up, he's very glad to see them. He tells them that there's a hole in the wall as found by Tom. Nico compliments him for his good work and Tom says it's a good thing he came with them. Flappy notices Mr. Caifas through an upstairs window and tells the others he just spotted him. Aisha pulls Patty along, telling them that they should hide, which that's just what they do. Mr. Caifas goes to another window and looking outside it, he says that Halloween is a stupid holiday and that there'd better not be any kids coming to his place to look for candy. As the kids observe him, Aisha says there he is. Flappy jokes that, being high, now he's top branch in the army. Aisha sneezes and asks him to be quiet while Nico and Patty laugh silently at this. Nico then asks the girls if they have an idea on how to go Flappy back down from there. Back in the kitchen, a mouse is eating a hunk of Swiss cheese when Oscar steps over him and into a mousetrap, getting one foot caught in it. The mouse quips that it's better he than him and guesses that now it's considered a human trap before laughing at Oscar's predicament while Oscar struggles to get free. Outside, as Patty begins climbing up the tree, she and the others hear Oscar's cries. She says who that is and Nico says they've got to look for him. Flappy asks them what about himself and Patty tells him to stand guard. He says, "Sir, yes, sir" when a bat flies towards him. He tells the bat not to bother him and waves him away. Mr. Caifas enters the kitchen and catches Oscar. He chases after him and as Oscar gets away, lightning strikes Mr. Caifas in the rear end, then it's set on fire. He complains to Oscar about how much he hates him and the other kids. Nico, Tom, and Patty enter Mr. Caifas's garage through a trapdoor. Nico hears Oscar's voice again and Tom barks before they run upstairs. Patty struggles to pull Aisha through the trapdoor entrance and out of it and she urges her to come quickly. Aisha tells her not to pull so hard before Patty pulls her with enough might that they're both thrown into some junk. Patty tells Aisha she should've been dressed as a worm.

Charlie exits a building and tells the twins how embarrassing it is they haven't gotten any candy. Hertha says they still have time left before the holiday ends. The firefly flies above them, then finds Boris as a streetlamp. He tries to catch her with his tongue once again, but misses, stretching and sticking his tongue to a brick wall instead. Bertha feels something funny on her right foot and lower leg. Wondering what's happening, she looks down and sees it's Lucy, Tom's love interest, urinating on her. Objecting, Bertha tells her she's not a fire hydrant before Lucy runs away. Lucy says she didn't mean to rain on her parade while Boris, lying on the road, tells her he was thinking the same as he's just trying to get a morsel to eat. Charlie and Hertha laugh at Bertha's expense and misfortune. Back in Mr. Caifas's place, Oscar backs away while telling himself he isn't afraid when he walks backwards into Nico. He's startled by Nico, but Nico tells him to relax, saying he'll get them out of here. Oscar, turning him down, thinks that blind people can't do anything. A female ghost suddenly appears seemingly out of nowhere objecting to that comment. She calls Oscar a liar and asks who said that. Mr. Caifas, carrying a net, finds Oscar, Nico, and Tom, telling him he has them now. The ghost says he needs to relax and using her powers, she makes Mr. Caifas dance. She's amused by this while Oscar stutters that she's a ghost. Nico asks, "Ghost?", then about what's happening. She corrects them by saying she's a spirit, which is that of a classical pianist named Maria Theresia von Paradis. She tells them to prepare and swirls around them as she takes them into her past. They enter a room where they watch her past self playing a piano. Oscar, crossing his arms and turning away, says he doesn't talk to ghosts. Maria tells them a story about herself. She explains that she went blind at the age of four, but being such a music lover, she was determined to keep practicing and playing, and she didn't let her handicap stop her. Oscar says he's leaving as he begins to do, but Maria pulls him back towards her saying she's not done yet and Oscar apologizes. She tells him not to fear her as she's just a spirit. Then, Maria takes the boys and Tom with her to another moment in her past. This time, it's to when she gave a live performance for a small audience. Here, Nico and Oscar are dressed in clothes that were the fashion of Maria's time. When Oscar appears, he exclaims as he lands in a chair as a male audience member shushes him for silence. Maria concludes that she became the first blind composer and pianist in history. In the kitchen again, several pieces of kitchenware are alive, attempting to attack Mr. Caifas while he fends them off with a broom as he threatens to use it on him. A spoon hits him on the head and he calls it a traitor. When Charlie, Hertha, and Bertha come to another home, Bertha says no one's answering and thinks whoever is there must be asleep. All of a sudden, the door opens and a live skeleton appears before them. Everybody frightened, Hertha says it looks awake to her and Bertha adds that it's "awake and scary!", before they flee. A female doctor also comes to the entrance, wondering why they left so soon. The skeleton suddenly speaks, saying that he was scared too as the doctor turns around to see him, looking surprised. At Mr. Caifas's house, Patty and Aisha search for Oscar, Nico, and Tom, but haven't them. Patty ponders where they could be while Aisha admires a paperweight shaped like a gargoyle or a bat as she tells Patty to have a look at it. Patty tells Aisha to stop snooping around and she looks out a window as she sees Flappy swinging the cage in which he is. Patty ponders what Flappy is doing, then figures he must be trying to look inside Mr. Caifas's mansion. But it's revealed he's trying to get rid of the pesky bat by kicking away, telling him to leave him alone and "drink someone else's blood". Aisha doubts that Flappy has any good ideas, as she thinks he stopped having them from the day he was born. Patty is ready to leave when Aisha presses the button on the base of the paperweight. This activates a trapdoor that opens beneath them and the girls fall in it, sliding down a chute. Still in the kitchen, Mr. Caifas is still being bothered by the live kitchenware when a kettle spews smoke out of a spout and it's a male ghost/spirit, who says that he needs to work on his landing. Shuddering in fear, Mr. Caifas begs the spirit to leave him alone, but the spirit argues that blind people are not a burden. The spirit then transports Oscar, Nico, and Tom to his past as Tom complains about another ghost. When they get there, the spirit repeats that he needs to work on his landing when he ends up on a tree branch. He introduces himself as Long Capaceous, who was a blind sculptor. Oscar attempts to leave again, but collides into a tree, Tom comments on his hardheadedness. Long explains that he went blind at the age of 18. Since he lost his sight, he relied on his other senses like touch and decided to take up sculpting. Oscar doubts that's possible, insisting that blind people can't sculpt. Long asks him how he knows that before he takes Nico to a statue and tells him to touch it, then asks what it is. Nico replies it's a boy with hair and sunglasses like his. He asks if it's him and Long tells him he's correct. Long tells him that he used his talents to make many things out of clay by hand and duplicate the real things without seeing. He pets Tom's head, tickling him. Long says that his works still decorate the city of Florence, Italy today. As Long snaps his fingers, Oscar reaches for the floating head of the statue of Tom, but as Oscar is transported back, it turns into Mr. Caifas. Oscar, grabbing Mr. Caifas's collar, demands to get him out of here. Mr. Caifas is in disbelief, thinking he's having a nightmare, and flees the kitchen. Nico and Tom are back in the kitchen too. Oscar grabs Nico, telling him to get away from him while Tom grabs the bottom of Oscar's jacket from behind, pulling on it with his mouth. Nico pushes Oscar aside and tells him that's fine as he'll just keep looking for Patty and Aisha, who continue sliding down the chute before exiting the vent of it. The vent is in the kitchen and falling out of it, down to the floor, they have a rough landing. Finding Nico, the girls greet him.

The firefly flies towards Patty's house where Patty's mom, Stephanie exits. Looking around, Patty's mom thinks the rain has stopped. Boris, as an ornament on top of a Christmas tree, is there as well. When he finds the firefly once again, he stretches out his tongue to catch her, but she escapes again and Boris's tongue touches Stephanie's nose instead. Stephanie faints at this. Boris is disgusted by the makeup he tasted and turns back into his normal, default form. He lunges at the firefly, but she dodges him and he falls into a trash can. Stephanie wonders what that was as Charlie approaches her, greeting, "Happy Halloween!". Shocked at the sight of him, she thinks he 's a Halloween cockroach before she faints again. Charlie says he's a beetle. Hertha tells Bertha they should go to Caifas's house too and rejoin the others since they still don't have candy, but Bertha thinks that they should try trick-or-treating some more as she thinks someone is bound to have candy. Back in the cage, Flappy decides to offer the bat to let him stay with him so they can keep watch together and the bat is pleased. Mr. Caifas is at a computer searching for the ghost catcher to rid him of the paranormal beings. While the other group walks through a hallway, Aisha begins to have a look inside a room, but Patty pulls her back as they're not there for that. Nico asks what room it is. Aisha says it's a high-tech communication suite. Patty says that they're just going to get Oscar and then they're leaving. Finding a candle, Aisha grabs one saying that they can use it, but it's really a lever designed like one. Patty and Aisha are near the wall that has the candle lever and the wall revolves, placing them in another room while Oscar reappears from the other side of that wall, appearing in the hall. He asks how he got here. Tom barks at Oscar and tries to reach him, causing Oscar to jump. Mr. Caifas confronts the three again and Oscar throws Nico towards Mr. Caifas, fleeing to save himself. Nico tells him not to abandon him as Oscar tells Mr. Caifas to take him. There's a flash of light behind Oscar and he runs back into the direction he came, jumping into Mr. Caifas's arms. It seems to be yet another spirit that has shown up, prompting Oscar and Mr. Caifas to retreat into a room. Back outside, Flappy tells the bat his dad says that bats are blind and can't see, so they rely on waves like those of a radio to know where they are. He hears Oscar and says that must be him again. This time, Patty and Aisha are in the library. Patty comments on how the mansion has more passageways that an Egyptian pyramid. Aisha thinks it's fantastic, but Patty can't wait to exit. When she plops down onto a couch, a wall panel opens, it's yet another passageway. Aisha says they should enter it, but Patty, grabbing her by the feet, tries to prevent her from going in it and they both slide down another chute. Another male spirit tells Oscar and Mr. Caifas he thinks it's time they had a lesson. Mr. Caifas demands he get out of his house and Oscar demands to be put down, the second male ghost doubts they could ever be astronauts. Floating through a wall and entering a hallway, he tells Nico and Tom not to mind those other two for what they say about the blind. He thinks the blind boy must be Nico and creates a swirl to take him, and Tom, on a trip into his past. The spirit says that he was Lewis Flory and that after he went blind at the age of fifteen, other people thought he wasn't very bright and thought he should be committed in an asylum. In his past, his younger self is shown walking in a cafeteria carrying a food tray when one boy makes him trip. Lewis talks about how he counted with the amount of digits he has on each hand, forwards and backwards, as well as the hours, days, and he worked with all kinds of math to create formulas related to those. He tells Tom that blind people aren't so limited in their capabilities and they can do just as many things as those with sight can do. Suddenly, he says he feels "bottled up". It's revealed to be an invention of Aisha's called the Ghost Shrinker as she tells Patty she told her it would work. Patty isn't so sure about that as all she sees is smoke and asks if that's a fire in the bottle. Cowering, Mr. Caifas promises not to be mean to the blind anymore and says not to lift him again. Lewis is released from the bottle and Mr. Caifas runs upstairs exclaiming, "I hate ghosts!". Lewis is just grateful that the Ghost Shrinker doesn't shrink memories. Aisha declares the ghost got away, but Patty insists there's no such thing as ghosts. As they leave, Patty asks Oscar if he's coming with them or staying on the floor. As Oscar begins to leave as well, the bust of Lewis's spirit appears before him. Oscar is terrified and as he dashes off, he causes Patty and Aisha to fall to the floor. Lewis has second thoughts about doing that, but says it was fun. Oscar, Patty, and Aisha then huddle together as they walk cautiously when Nico and Tom appear to them. Elated to see him, Patty runs towards him, giving him a big hug. Nico lets her know she's choking him. Aisha asks how Tom is doing and pets him on the head, he's just glad to have a live person petting him again. Oscar is just ready to go. As they walk down some stairs, Patty tells Aisha all about what Oscar had been experiencing when it comes to ghosts when the stairs turn into a slide and everybody slips down it. The butterfly wings of Aisha's costume come loose and off her back. They're now under hers and Patty's feet as they ride on the wings like a surfboard. Aisha says this idea is a breakthrough, but Patty just hopes they don't break their skulls.

Meanwhile, Hertha and Bertha are seated on a bench. Hertha brings up that it's nearly midnight and they still didn't get much candy. Charlie guesses he thought they had more than they do. Boris, disguised as a wastebasket, sees the firefly flying by again. He's determined as ever to catch her. She lands on a gate arm sign and as Boris follows her onto it, the sign is raised and tilted when the firefly lands on a button, causing him to fall off it, and on the ground. With his long tongue stuck out, Boris is dazed and says he lost his appetite as his lid moves like a mouth as he mentions this. The firefly taunts Boris for his loss, proclaiming that she wins and he has indigestion when she turns and notices something. Bertha asks Charlie if his costume is big enough, she tells him she has an idea. Back to the cage, Flappy tries using the handles of his glasses to saw the bars of the cage, but hasn't been having much success, saying it looks easier in movies. Oscar, Nico, and Tom are shot up out of a cellar. Tom finds a bone where he lands, commenting on how tasty it looks when a skeleton's hand reach out of the dirt, grabs the bone, and tells him not to think about it. Flappy then spots the three and placing his glasses in front of the bat's eyes so he can get a better look. This clears the bat's vision and he smiles. As smoke rises from his hands, Oscar says they're so hot they're burning. Flappy informs him he should've used the front door. Nico tells Oscar they still got to save Flappy, but Oscar says he'll do it himself as he still doubts he can do anything without sight. There's an earthquake and shrubs, and flowers, grow seemingly out of nowhere. Oscar asks where they came from and a third male ghost appears, explaining that they're from the comment he made about Nico and other blind people being incapable of doing anything. Mr. Caifas also emerges from the cellar with a machete, hacking away at the tall grass. The third male ghost's head is upside on his body and he corrects the position by turning it downside up, as he says he felt funny. Tom comments on him being another ghost and he bets what's about to occur next. Mr. Caifas threatens to wear the boys so thin they won't be able to scratch. The third male ghost removes his hat, turns that upside down, and a swarm of bees fly out of it. The ghost sends the bees towards Mr. Caifas. They form a arrow and head straight towards him. As Mr. Caifas is about to harm the boys, he is driven away by the bee swarm that fly around his head, stinging him. The third male ghost transports Nico and Tom to a garden. He says that despite the fact that he was blind, he still managed to become a successful botanist and chemist. Nico tells him he's afraid of visiting places that are unfamiliar to him. The third male ghost says that even though blind people may not be able to see, they just rely on other senses to help them get used to unfamiliar places. Flowers and greenery are blown up, and surround Nico, and Tom who float, they're enjoying it. They're then brought back to the outside of the mansion. Patty and Aisha exit through a window, sliding outside. Aisha remarks how it's a trip; Patty remarks how it's a nightmare. Mr. Caifas is still surrounded and chased by the bees as he vows he'll stop being mean to the blind. Oscar floats and is thrown out of the cemetery by one of the spirits, all of whom then become visible. As Patty and Aisha walk off, the former jokes that's what she calls "flying off the handle". All the ghosts give Nico encouragement in spite of his blindness and he promises never to give up on anything. Maria tells the male spirits they're late for the Halloween dinner before vanishing as they're blown up and away. Nico and Tom are glad to see Patty, and Aisha, once again. Flappy quotes his dad saying that what goes up must come down in most cases. Seeing Nico's arrow bag, Aisha gets the idea of using an arrow and borrowing Nico's crossbow to get Flappy down from the high place. Nico is surprised that they would come in handy for something. She takes aim carefully, then fires the arrow at the rope, breaking it, causing the cage and Flappy to drop hard to the ground. The cage is broken and Flappy is finally free. He wants to express his gratitude to Aisha by kissing her, but she flees as Nico and Patty laugh.

Hertha and Bertha leave a bakery, carrying Charlie's beetle costume now filled with a large amount of candy. Charlie comes out too, now dressed in a candy cane costume. He isn't so sure about his outfit, but the sisters think it's great and that he looks scrumptious. Once Charlie sees his reflection in the bakery's window, he agrees. At the cemetery, Hertha laments on how their trick-or-treating didn't go so well. But Nico tells her the most important thing is they didn't quit. Patty tells him she was spooked by their visit in the mansion. He says he was the same, but he learned from the new friends he met earlier that through determination and hard work, anything can be accomplished. There's an eerie sound, frightening Hertha and Bertha. Holding each other, they ask what that is. Nico simply says it's the wind. Aisha is still being chased around by Flappy, who still wants a kiss. Oscar is fleeing through the cemetery. She tells Flappy she should've just left him in the cage and asks why he doesn't look for Oscar instead. Nico and the others look around for Oscar, wondering where he is. Little do they know, now Oscar is hiding behind a tombstone as he prepare to fire his slingshot. He feels a tongue licking his face and it turns out to be Boris disguised as a tombstone. Oscar, scared out of his mind, flees once more, promising he won't be mean to the blind anymore. Boris wonders what's gotten into him, presuming he looks as if he'd seen a ghost.
