"The Night Before" is an episode of the Nickelodeon animated series Rocket Power that takes place on the day before Halloween, commonly known as Mischief Night.
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Otto, Sam, and Twister cave into peer pressure and sneak out late to join Eddie, Prince of the Netherworld, on Mischief Night.
The episode was included on the Rocket Power: The Complete First Season DVD set offered manufacture-on-demand by Amazon. The set was released on May 21, 2014, but was unfortunately discontinued, like all of Amazon's manufacture-on-demand DVDs, in June 2021.
- Mischief Night is an informal holiday where young people traditionally pull pranks and take part in minor vandalism.
Voice actor | Character |
Joseph Ashton | Otto Rocket |
Shayna Fox | Reggie Rocket |
Sam Saletta | Sam Dullard |
Ulysses Cuadra | Twister Rodriguez |
John Kassir | Ray Rocket Home Owner |
Lombardo Boyar | Lars Rodriguez |
Dave Fennoy | Announcer |
Henry Gibson | Merv Stimpleton |
Edie McClurg | Violet Stimpleton |
CCH Pounder | Officer Shirley |
Jason Spisak | Pi Piston |
Rosslynn Taylor Jordan | MacKenzie Benders |
Jordan Warkol | Eddie Valentine |