Thomas, Percy, and the Dragon is the 7th Episode of the 3rd season of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, and the second Halloween episode of the series, after Ghost Train.
The episode opens with Percy asking Thomas if he was dreaming about the time he thought Percy was a ghost. Thomas denies it and claims that he knew it was Percy the whole time. Percy teases Thomas about being scared of the dark, but Thomas just brushes it off. The next day, Sir Topham Hatt wants Thomas to collect something "rather unusual" from the harbour that night. Meanwhile, Percy gets stuck on a siding after shunting from trucks and the points can't be fixed until morning. Percy's crew goes home for tea and he watches the other engines head back to Tidmouth. That night, Percy gets frightened by both the dark and an owl screeching, and wishes that Thomas was with him.
Meanwhile, Thomas collects his mystery load from the harbour. It's a Chinese Dragon for an upcoming carnival. The workmen put lights on the dragon for protection, and Thomas sets off. Meanwhile, Percy falls asleep on his sighting. But when Thomas and his dragon puff by, Percy gets so scared that he won't open his eyes until his driver comes.
After the workmen fixed the points the next morning, Percy tries to tell the other engines (starting with Gordon) about what he saw, but no one believes him and they soon tease him about it. As Percy is picking up passengers later, thinking that maybe he just imagined the dragon, he finds that he didn't when he sees the dragon come up right next to him. Thomas appears as well, and explains everything. Thomas and Percy then agree that maybe they do get scared sometimes. But if they're hardly scared to tell each other, then they're quite brave as well.